Saturday, March 23, 2013

Moving a Little Mountain in Little Mountain :-)

Sunday March 24th

moving soil
transplanting bronze fennel and sorrel
a bit of pruning...

An Ontario home north of King Ed donated some soil - we will be in between the house and the school. We have wheelbarrows and wagons and pruners and trowels. 

Bring a shovel if you have one - and some muscle and sunglasses!
It's free, fun and a great way to work up an appetite for Sunday dinner

Pick up trucks welcome!


Friday, March 15, 2013

The Sun is Coming...

The Vancouver Sun, that is... to do a story on happiness and our sunflower project.

Now, that's something to be happy about :-)

That, and our new 'Money Penny' plant had about 3 dozen babies.  
And we found a 'snail grotto' of 14 snails in the bee and butterfly garden.  
Build it and they will come!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Take the Challenge

Have you noticed the hallway near Ms Collin's class?

April is be Kind to the Environment Month at Wolfe!

Hopefully you can see their iPad video they made about their apple a day challenge.  
Apples come in their own 'wrapper' = No garbage, makes compost, locally grown in BC!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Heroes of All Ages

From Tupper to Wolfe 
With the help of Grade 11's at Tupper and many Grade 7's from Wolfe, we unloaded wood for our garden bed design.  
Well done, everyone!

Thanks especially to Russ Evans and Cyrus for suburb rope tying teamwork :-)