Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tulip history

The boulevards are blooming with the efforts from a few years ago.  As part of the Green Streets program with the City of Vancouver, we were able to 'rescue' bulbs from Queen Elizabeth Park and City Hall when they replace their annuals.  Many parents and students planted the random bulbs that you now see blooming.

This year many Grounds committee members have been into classrooms to plant seedlings.  Worm Composters have appeared in some classes.  The library window sills are alive with spring.

What's next?  WOOD!
And builders!

We need people with power tools to put together the new planter boxes.
If you are handy, and want to get together with some other families, have we got plans for you :-)

Contact generalwolfegardens@gmail.com, Tamara or Grant if you're interested.

If you want your child's class to be visited for an hour by a Master Gardener or gardening parent, just ask!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Wednesday Seedling Frenzy

After School
Wednesday April 16
3:15 - 4:30

Come help plant sunflowers, bee balm, huckleberry bushes, hollyhocks and more!

These trays will begin their life over Easter weekend on the library window sills.
We'll have seeds, soil and trays - all we need is hands to plant.

Planting seedling trays is fun, easy and satisfying!