Sunday, January 15, 2017

Guaranteed Spring

It's just around the corner - the trees know it and are budding despite the snow.  Time to pick your garden bed and seeds and get planting those seedlings inside before March Break!

Garden Champion Wanted

As our family will graduate soon, we are looking for someone to take over the City of Vancouver Green Streets Garden boulevards, which are currently operated by the 'Wolfe PAC'.  For garden bed access behind the annex, please contact the PAC or attend a meeting to find out if your class can participate this coming year.
Anyone interested in doing garden lessons is encouraged to contact Tamara or Libby.  There is a list of several lower mainland groups active in the Vancouver School Food Network that would be available to partner with Wolfe for growing food programs.  These include: 
  • SPEC (Society for the Promotion of Environmental Conservation)
  • Earthbites
  • Think and Eat Green
  • Fresh Roots
  • Growing Chefs