Sunday, October 26, 2014


5 strong mamas wielding power tools, shovels and accompanied by 9 children can do a lot in 2 hours!  Now the teachers can use garden beds for their classrooms to learn their biology, botany and more.
We were recently gifted with 270 King Alfred Narcissus bulbs from VanDusen Botanical Gardens, so they might pop up here in the spring...

Where did the soil go?
One mound down, one more to go
Next step:  spread the compost mulch around the naturalized garden.
We do this every other year to amend the soil and keep the plants healthy.

Sunshine Work Party

Garden Work Party

west of the annex

Everyone welcome
No experience needed
Bring the kids and soccer balls

Drills, saws, shovels and wheelbarrows and sunshine if you have some

If we have lots of help, we could finish the build today!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fill 'er up

Four brave souls got wet but the garden beds are full!  
Rumour has it pumpkins may magically appear this fall :-)

There is still lots to do this year:  
weeding, levelling square beds and installing brackets, relocating composter.  
We'll get the students to plant some cover crops;
plants that act like a winter blanket until this garden comes alive next spring.

Watch your backpacks for more information;  
help always welcome with no experience needed.