Friday, December 4, 2015

Wood gone to a good home

Recently, the Wolfe Girl Guides went to Tupper and made amazing Insect Hostels.

Tupper is taking the wood for garden construction - they made our planters in the teachers parking lot and were installing at Carnarvon last week.  Thanks, Russ Evans, you are amazing!

Blooming Indigenous Species!

The native Oregon grape is pushing out beautiful yellow blooms.  It's found from California to our own southwest coast.  It is a known food source - no poisonous berries here - just good, tart jam making materials come the spring.  It's also known as a favourite 'house' for the younger students to play underneath.  Located in the naturalized area behind the annex, a unique feature at Wolfe.

This garden is for the birds...

Birds ...  and the worms!

This morning about a dozen chickadees were happily moving their way through the food garden and trees.  When you create habitat, you create the opportunity for life to flourish in 'our neck of the woods'.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Wood available

Sadly, we've had lots of vandalism this past year.  Grade 8 and 9's have been breaking glass, starting fires, and generally leaving the place a mess.  We have leftover wood from our recent build and have removed it.  If you have a use for it, please let us know.  Tamara

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Raking Leaves

The Wolfe PAC is the official care taker of the City of Vancouver Green Street Boulevards.
The annual party in October invites over 500 community gardeners.  Anyone is welcome to volunteer and help rake, prune, plant, sweep gravel or tidy up garbage on any day (since we all walk by it regularly :-)  Rakes are kept in the maintenance room and we have plenty to go around.  Even snowshovels work to keep the streets safe and teachers are welcome to bring their classes outside

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Flax by Jack!

Flax is a seed we eat, and it makes Linen, a fabric we wear.  It is flowering in October
We grew oats, barley, quinoa and flax last summer!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Self Seeding Sunflowers

This boulevard was planted in 2010 as part of a living birthday cake when Wolfe turned 100 years old

Did you know?
Sunflowers are actually dozens of actual flowers, all gathered together in a group.  The outside petals are striped as they are made from several flowers 'joining hands' to create a petal around the other flowers.

Every fall, they drop seeds.  Birds and squirrels eat them and drop a few seeds as well.  We have only planted this particular Green Street garden once, but every year, new plants grow.  Even in our dry summer, they were able to survive.  Perhaps we have a mystery watering elf?

They originally were planted from West Coast Seeds Music Box variety, 
a short, multicoloured sunflower with many branches per plant.

Friday, September 11, 2015

See the Bee

We have many plants near Ontario and 26th that are popular with bees and butterflies.  We have catmint, russian sage ("magnificent plant") and bulbs from VanDusen.  Up to 200 bees have been seen and heard here at one time.  Ask gently, and they will let you pass as they are quite focused on gathering nectar - their sugar water that gives them energy to fly and collect nectar to make honey.
Can you see the bee?

37th Avenue is the Pollinator Corridor, complete with an Insect Hotel near Hamber Secondary!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Watering Heroes

Thanks for all the parents and families that kept the Garden hydrated this summer.
There was a leak in the annex, and the VSB shut off the water, so the inventive volunteers brought water in wheelbarrows to the classroom planter boxes behind the annex.  Well Done!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Bee-eautiful Thanks to our volunteers

Thanks to the watering families - Wiedemann, vonDehn, Ahrens, Taylor, Dunkerly, Scott!
  • We have flax, quinoa, barley and oats growing - beautiful grains to look at and eat.
  • Peas and radishes are ready, potatoes are popping out and rainbow chard is glowing
  • sunflowers are coming up strong and with regular watering will be great come September
  • Pizza ingredients are coming along: chives, tomatoes, sage, peppers
  • Pollinator friendly plants like borage and Phacelia are keeping our pollinators pleased
Did you know?  watering is important for plants to produce nectar.  Without nectar, no bees and without bees, no pollination which would mean no food to eat.  So even in dry times, watering plants helps our local beecosystem.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Last Friday Garden Club

Our pizza garden is still growing, but we'll have some already made to share with our keen young gardening friends.  Check out our tomatoes, quinoa, flax, peas, beans, borage, sunflowers, peppers, kale, radishes, oats and barley growing... amazing!

Last Garden Club is Friday June 12th from 3:15-4:15.

Pizza will be served to all Garden Club active members.
Other families welcome to join in.  
Bring snacks and have a fun summer after school social time!

We will be:
  • planting the remaining seedlings
  • transplanting apple trees
  • digging holes
  • working on signage
  • moving wheelbarrows of soil
  • and, of course, watering the plants and sometimes each other!

HUGE thanks to Laura McCann, our Master Gardener.
She has been at almost every Friday session since April, as well as in some classrooms
Thanks also to the garden elves who have mysteriously been replanting from the damage :-)

Summer Watering Families Wanted:  contact

Handy Person Wanted:  to seal our composters for the summer contact

Free Wood:  leftover lumber from our build is available.  Come see us Friday after school

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Growing Grains + Friday Fun

Rainbow Qunioa, Oats, Barley, Flax by Jack!
We are experimenting with some colourful grains in our small planter boxes.
Our lovely beds are painted with bed letters A-L thanks to Sarah, Alaina, Josie and our Master Gardener super volunteer Laura.  All the beds are full with teacher and garden club activities!

Next week we take over the lasanga bed, move some apple trees and lay down some wheat!

No club Friday May 15th, but after that we'll see you every Friday after school until at least June 10th

Thanks to Ms Andrews class who will be watering our 'pizza garden' seedlings.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy EveryDay is Earth Day!

Friday afternoons have never been better!
3:15-4:15 weekly until June 10th

The students are getting so much done so quickly!
We've planted borage, sunflowers, sweet peas, tomatoes, chives and more!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dig School on Fridays!

Dawn is starting us off with Grow Your Own Pizza ingredients!
tomatoes, onions, herbs and more... start the trays in the library and watch them grow.
We also have some grains to experiment with - wheat, quinoa and more.
Join us every Friday afternoon 3:15-4:15 until June 12th

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Friday Garden Club

Fridays April 10 - June 12th  3:15-4:15

Meet you in the Garden!   NEW Friday After School Garden Club

Families of all ages welcome to come help plant, grow, water, dig... well, you get the idea!
We have a naturalized play area and 11 Green Street Boulevards that are unique to Wolfe.

Parents (and grandparents!) of primary students are especially encouraged to come out, as we have several active parents with intermediate students.  No green thumb needed.  Tools supplied.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Support = Green Light!

Over the past 5 years, the Wolfe Grounds Committee has received funds from

  Vancouver Foundation
  Toyota Evergreen
  TD Canada Trust
  Salt Spring Coffee
  Home Depot donations
  Think and Eat Green, UBC
  Wolfe Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
Thank you to
  1. Organizations for believing that kids, plants and education go together
  2. Parents for going to all our events, like the Silent Auction 
  3. Teachers who host classroom visits and lead Green Team
  4. Students who are getting ready for the Walkathon!
Financial support is much more than money - it's a way of saying Go Green and make the world a healthy, integrated, tactile place with a connection to land, food and each other.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Garden Group Meeting

Monday March 2nd
Location: the Grind

Everyone interested in helping plan our 2015 season please come and participate.  No green thumbs required.  We especially encourage K and primary parents to get involved this year in our newly constructed garden beds!


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Mystery Elf

Ok, so we don't know the name of this plant.  
We think it's a weed, but some elves decorated it nonetheless.
We should let the elf know that winter is a long way off...

Everyone is welcome to work on the boulevards.  Hellebores are blooming on 26th.
Julia planted the prettiest stripiest crosuses.  Libby and the neighbour have successfully removed all the prickly plants from the small pebble pathway at 27th and Ontario - THANKS!

Our Wolfe PAC is the official City of Vancouver Green Street Community Garden Group.

Spring has Sprung

Magnolia petals are already bursting forth on Ontario Street.

Come move a mountain with us

Sunday February 22nd

Meet Garden Group Volunteers
Back annex area by tennis courts

Bring a shovel and/or wheelbarrow if you have one to share.
No experience needed, everyone welcome