Even if you are not a gardener, you can help!
We need some empty green bins to fill with excess leaves.
The Green Team has topped up the composters (the fruit and veggies need some leafy matter to compost), and we have some saved piles of leaves to add throughout the year. However, we need some more empty bins to fill.
The City of Vancouver Green Streets Program hosts over 500 gardens throughout the city that citizens and community groups maintain, and it is a model copied around the world. At the Green Streets Annual Party in October 2011, the history was shared - the first traffic calming bulge had a bird feeder above it, and the sunflowers fell on the new dirt and sprouted! So the sunflower planting has come full circle, because that is why the Wolfe PAC took over our 11 Green Street Boulevard gardens, to protect our sunflower plantings in spring 2010! There is a beautiful photo book from Green Streets that was created for the Olympics, and a copy is in our Wolfe library.
If you want to loan us your bin, wheel it to the school and let the Garden Committee know (via tamaral@telus.net)
Thank you