Friday, December 2, 2011

Planter Box Project Underway!

As mentioned in the school newsletter, Ms Ingram's Grade 6/7 class has been at the Tupper Woodshop.  Smelling like cedar from the outside of the building, they have been hard at work cutting, drilling, hammering, measuring and, of course, making pencil rockets! The VSB Career Programs Coordinator was also onsite taking photos of the good work in progress.  The students are building 'lego blocks' which will be stacked and assembled using metal pieces (lots of math to calculate how many!!)
With wood they say, measure twice, cut once...  some action photos of mentoring.
Turns out some of the Tupper students were the reading buddies when the Grade 7's were in Kindergarten - now there's some value added community crossover!!  

BONUS - extra planter box!
We also received some free wood from UBC - Mr Russ Evans (the woodshop teacher at Tupper responsible for organizing the students) has toured the Wolfe grounds.  The Wolfe PAC Garden Committee wants to build a small planter box on the east facing wall of the teachers parking lot.  Then everyone will be able to see the plants, its a great location for light and heat, and its a 'ball-free' zone which means the plants will survive (not so for the planter boxes opposite the Sparetime door.

Handy People Wanted!
IF anyone (handy dads?) want to help design this extra box, take measurements, or help build it onsite (spring), just email