With our new planter boxes thanks to Ms Ingrams class going to Tupper, we will have 6 'crop' areas for classrooms to plant something that they can harvest the first week of school.
Lisa shared this - If anyone is curious about what “lasagnaing” (!) is, here’s an example of one website:
We will be attaching our Wolfe Garden Plan to this blog.
We have applied for funding to last a few years of enhancement.
Hopefully we can host some Open Houses this year to get teacher, student, family and community feedback. The swings and rings will come down by 2013 so we need to plan now for a great space to replace it!
Garden Committee is meeting with Ms Jamieson Monday January 9th at 1pm.
Lasagna and salad... we could grow lettuce and have a lasagna & caesar combo.... or wheat... or sunflowers.... just kidding - crop to be determined when we work with the classrooms!
As always, ideas, comments, assistance always welcome. generalwolfegardens@gmail.com