Thanks to Lisa for scheduling.

General Wolfe Elementary School Grounds Committee has had Green Street Boulevards, food gardens and indigenous species naturalized playspaces and outdoor landscaped classrooms. Whole Foods Whole Kids Foundation, Think & Eat Green and our own PAC have contributed to our activities. The Gardens have been part of Wolfe for 25 years and we need new parent volunteers to keep on growing.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Hollyhocks from Seed!
Thanks, Mr Smathers, for sharing your windowsills TWO years ago - yes, that's right. Hollyhocks, collected from neighbours along Ontario Street and James Street near 29th are bi-annuals. That means they take two years to bloom. When the seeds were collected, we didn't know what colours the bloom stalks would be. See for yourself the variety that made it through their baby seedling stages!
Thanks also to the watering families - that watered these tiny things last year. There are so many people watering this year that everyone only has to do a little bit. You can sign up for a day, a week or a day of the week, but we think Lisa has it covered! Even when it rains, those planter boxes get thirsty. Any Sparetime parents are most welcome to join in the watering routine (since its so close!) Thanks to Lisa for scheduling. Thanks to Lisa for scheduling.