Hi everyone,
We have dozens of parents, grandparents and families that have helped the garden in the past years. They rake, water, plant, dig, prune and do so many things inside the classroom and outside along the boulevards. With our NEW garden design, approved by the VSB, this spring promises to be the most active yet. The VSB Grounds Crew have been requested to get some equipment in during March Break to begin the new garden area (between the annex and the paved court along 27th). Then, the building can begin! We'll need to start some seedlings inside in April so they'll be ready to plant.
This spring we need;
Classroom Helpers: Fridays in April and early May
Construction Crew: We need to build planter boxes (and deconstruct the existing one)
Composter Builders: A new 3 bin composter is needed to help the Green Team
Movers of soil: We need some muscle here to move compost mulch, and soil≥
Fruit Tree Expert: We have 5 trees that require transplanting as the finishing touch.
Boulevard Maintenance: City of Vancouver Green Streets need some spring clean up.
Summer Watering Families: We use a google doc successfully and everyone takes a turn.
Grant Report Writers: Share the good news with words if you don't have a green thumb.
Look for the new garden design in the display case... or check back to this blog for a photo.
Questions or to sign up, contact generalwolfegardens.blogspot.ca
Please also note: IF you want to learn about school gardening, there are Grown Up classes at www.farmwonders.ca (March 17-21 + March 24, 25) as well as www.naturehood.ca (Feb 21)