Friday June 13th we have a load of compost mulch coming from the City of Vancouver and a load or organic veggie soil from West Creek Farms.
Friday Tamara will begin to line the boxes with landscape fabric and Think and Eat Green will come 9-10am. From then on, we can start to fill the boxes with soil, and the remaining mulch will spread throughout the naturalized area to keep the trees healthy.
Anyone with a shovel can come and do some filling. We'll post work parties as they come up. We can fill this weekend June 15 & 16 and weekday evenings next week when it's cool out. If you have a shovel, you can come anytime that works for your family.
Then, we can fill 'er up with seedlings anxiously awaiting to spread their roots out.
Please come and lend a hand - every bit helps. We have shovels of all sizes :-)